Spring is all dressed up, waiting for her lover. The fruit trees have more blossom than ever before, maybe we will have some fruit this year. The birds around the house are preparing their nests, but they won’t begin mating until the pine trees begin their pollen release…..the starting gun.
The Electric Masculine is another term for the Divine Masculine or Sacred Masculine. I like it because it’s accurate – everything is energy - and it makes it easier to get that it’s here, in us and all around us, sparking up at every level of existence. At its Source, the Divine Masculine is electric, like lightning. From the invisible kundalini fire, to the minuscule sparks of the nervous system, to the incomprehensible power of a supernova; they all depend on the discharge of the Electric Masculine and the response of his eternal lover, the Magnetic Feminine.
This is the lesson of the Fishes, that we must learn and apply before we move into the new era. The two Fishes can symbolize many things, but one of them is the relationship between the Electrical Masculine, represented by the vertical fish and the horizontal fish of the Magnetic Feminine, forever tied together making waves in the Rainbow Sea. As we come to inner-stand this relationship and how these Nature powers shape our reality, through us and around us, we get a fresh view on the old gods, like Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Indra and others, so we can go forward with a new reverence for Nature that includes ourselves, as part of Nature. These gods were depicted holding lightning bolts, so we characterized them as sky gods and gods of thunder and lightning, but now we can see that they also personify the ‘inner lightning,’ the Great Nature Power, the Electric Masculine, which spontaneously sparks up in all of us.
Although the Electric Masculine comes and goes ad infinitum, it also has its own cycles and patterns that can be found in the energy centres of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and our Star. Inner lightning mirrors the external lightning of an electrical storm. Lightning is not as random as it appears, it has patterns that vary from location to location and upward, ground to cloud lightning, can be triggered in highly-charged situations. One of these cycles is the relationship between Jupiter and the Sun, as indicated in the correlation between the duration of the Jupiter orbit and the Sun Cycles.
On April 11th , Jupiter moves into conjunction with the Sun, which it does every 13 months when its orbit takes it behind the Sun. Historically, this correlates with an increase in number and intensity of solar flares and seismic upheaval, the tango of the Nature Powers. This also generates a highly-charged inner situation in which the Electric Masculine will be increasing active, with restless pent up energy to discharge. He has been showing up with more intense surges since the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice of December 2020. The current Solar Cycle, 25, is estimated to have started in December 2019 (no prizes for correlating that with another major event) will last 11-12 years and is already more intense than Solar Cycle 24. This is not a one-off event, but the beginning of a new phase.
In the real sky, the Jupiter-Sun conjunction is taking place in the horizontal fish of the constellation of Pisces. I read this as an indicator of a massive charge of pure sovereign awareness, in perfect harmony with the Magnetic Feminine. As the external magnetic field of the Earth weakens, our inner lightning and magnetic self-creation potentials, push outwards from the zero point into the aether, generating a multitude of discoveries and creations. As I’ve mentioned before, the experiments with the Kozyrev mirrors show that the Earth’s electromagnetic field is the ‘veil’ that filters time and place into our everyday lives. As this weakens, our immersion in the raw energy field of instantaneous locality becomes increasingly obvious. Once we access these states, that I call lucid dreaming while awake, it is not possible to fall back into linear time and the frequencies of the artificial construct.
There is now an unprecedented overlap between different perspectives and systems, all indicating conditions of expanded awareness and the deeper embodiment of our multi-dimensional selves. My take on the situation is in alignment with tropical astrology readings, regarding the movement of Saturn through the Sign of Pisces and the winding down of linear time and gravity (which I take to mean the fictitious science theory of gravity). So, while it might look as though the psycho-billionaires control everything, this is all smoke and mirrors. Declaring that you own the Earth, or our bodies, or our children, on the basis of a document printed by a job title in a corporate entity is not proof of ownership – it is not even black magic, it is simply evidence of fraud. It does not matter that the majority is too poisoned and spell-bound to notice that they are free, the Nature Powers always move to where they can discharge or interact – that’s us.
Looking to the east, we see Mars in the right knee of Castor, the Gemini Twin, offering us the stability and support to go forward with these enhanced powers. Mars works with the Earth to boost her iron processes and her magnetism. Castor the horseman, is an indicator of our abilities to manage power, our archetypal horses, which cannot be forced into compliance. To the west the moon will just be moving away from Ophiuchus, the dream healer who has been restoring the dreaming power while we sleep.
Solar flares and geomagnetic disturbances affect our biology, especially our hearts and the autonomic nervous systems. If there is any clearing to do, the body will start detoxing and this will manifest as fever and other symptoms associated with ‘you know what’. Our bodies are primarily water and water holds memories and imprints, as well as poisons, which all need to be cleared. I often experience heart palpitations and the feeling of my heart missing a beat in correlation with solar flares, not when the charge enters our atmosphere, but as they happen. The back molars are the circuit breakers of the heart-small intestine and pericardium-triple warmer meridians and can become sensitive during solar flares. I find these exercises help:
Also, you can release excess energy in the heart meridian by placing your hand in the armpit of the opposite arm, run it down the outside of your arm and twist it off the little finger, 3x on both sides.
As we move through the clearing stages, we find that inner lightning brings great mental clarity and a new perspective on a problem or situation, so that we can each find our own path forward. It is more than a thought, a full mind-body experience. For some of us this will be extraordinarily magical. This is not a wild idea or wishful thinking, but a natural consequence of the highly charged conditions we are moving into and we already have a tantalizing glimpse of what we can do.
Not so long ago, Dr Stanley Kripnner studied paranormal activity in relation to environmental conditions and solar activity and found correlations between psychic abilities and solar flares. Psychic abilities is the scientific term for magic. In particular, he worked with a man called Amyr Amiden, who was able to manifest precious stones out of the air. Amyr disappeared after a while, as he didn’t appreciate the scepticism in the way his gifts were studied, but there is still a record of his existence and what he did.
This is Real Magic.
So refreshing to come home after a long day in nature and read your profound shares. I am with you, what you're discovering, and your take on the crazies who think of the earth as "theirs." In resonance with nature daily, this little bear does her part to clear the black lines and the dark magic while embracing The New Earth Grid. Much appreciation!